Increase your employees’ resilience this flu season!
Flu vaccinations are recognised as a great way to reduce absenteeism, save money and maintain workplace productivity through Winter but one of the biggest barriers to flu vaccination for your employees is simply finding the time to get to a doctor or pharmacy. Many employees are busy with work, family commitments, or simply lack the time to take off during flu season. Providing an onsite clinic removes these barriers, offering a convenient and easily accessible option for employees to get vaccinated without leaving the office.
This provides benefits for both you and your employees.
Is a workplace vaccination clinic worth it when the vaccines are free?
We were so pleased that the Queensland Government was continuing its free flu vaccines for residents initiative for the 2025 flu season.
While this is an excellent initiative, removing the cost barrier for people to get their flu vaccine, it’s not always enough. Queensland actually saw a reduction in the overall number of vaccines administered in 2023 and 2024 (when vaccines were free), compared to 2022. This highlights the importance of vaccine accessibility, above and beyond the cost factor.
Anecdotally, we know that employees who get their vaccines at work are less likely to make the time to get vaccinated if they had to do it on their own, even if it is free. Sometimes it’s just too much of a hassle!
Of course, if less of your employees get vaccinated, you are likely to experience more absenteeism, higher costs and lower workplace productivity from flu infections.
So YES! It is worth it!!
Keep your employees healthy this flu season!
With flu vaccines available right at the workplace, employees can quickly and efficiently get vaccinated during their workday. Our clinics run so efficiently, each appointment on average is only 2 minutes.
This convenience ensures that more employees will follow through with getting vaccinated, compared to relying on them make their own appointment. For many of our clients with workplaces in Queensland the whole program could be free and for smaller employees, a program is definitely worth the small clinic management fee you may have to pay!